
Kyle's Lab

Main Lab

Gadgetorium Robodrome Computer Lab
Game Room Cafeteria Foyer

[Gadgetorium | Robodrome | Computer Lab | Game Room | Cafeteria | Foyer | Site Map]

The main hub of the lab, doors lead off in all directions. The sound of tools banging echos from beyond a door marked Gadgetorium. Motors whirr in the "Robodrome". Keyboards clatter from the room labeled Computer Lab. Bleeps and bloops emerge from beyond a cozy couch in the Game Room. The smell of something delicious wafts out from the Cafeteria. Behind you, the Foyer has pamphlets of tourist destinations in the surrounding area.

News is posted on a bulletin board in the main hall:


Some tweaks to recipes I've been using a lot lately: Beef Tips, Chicken Casserole.


In the Gadgetorium: A new jack-o-lantern for 2024, and a new case for the binary clock.


Binary Clock

New in the Computer Lab, a modern 8-bit computer based on an RC2014 kit.

RC2014 Pro

I recently participated in GBA Jam 2024. My game, Sys*Crusher, tied for 4th place! There's not much about it here, but you can check out the itch.io page external link, also linked in the Game Room.

A screenshot of a videogame: a room of circuitry, with a stylized red head in the center.


The site is now mobile-friendly again.


Procrastination leads to big updates!

I recently acquired an Atari 7800 console and made some custom controllers for it:

Atari 7800

Atari 7800 Joysticks

Also in the Gadgetorium: The Virtual Cable TV Network page has been updated with the latest developments, including a program guide and over-the-air reception! There's also a long-overdue update on the Sound Effects Board.

Virtual Cable TV Network

Sound Effects Board

I added some new robots to the Robodrome:

Keychain bolt robot

Necklace watch robot

Battle Ravaged Robot (1998)

Lost in Space Robot (1998)

Chief Robot Man (repro)

...and added pages for some robots that were already listed:

The page for the Walmart Robby has also been updated with a little bit more info.

In the Cafeteria: I updated the meatloaf recipe based on a recent batch of meatballs. I also added a new beef tips recipe,


Added a vintage toy autonomous vehicle to the Robodrome:

Big Trak (1979)

Slowcooker French Dip and Stewed Pork Burritos have had minor updates in the Cafeteria


An old project has been updated, and some projects from Halloween have been added in the Gadgetorium:

Faux Nixie Temperature Display

Jack O'Lantern

DIY 3D Glasses

The Game Room has also been updated, with GBA mods and my recently acquired Wii. Unfortunately, the Gamecube is currently out of service.


A new room has been added: the Robodrome!

Featuring two new projects:

Mini Wind-up Robots

Fortune Telling Robot

As well as my collection of toy and model robots.

2023 Updates

Older Updates

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